We prioritise giving our clients a great experience and making them feel relaxed, how do you do that?
Laughter is the key to making people feel at ease! I may not be the funniest person, but I can be silly on shoots and that usually puts clients at ease. I also think if you are honest and playful with your client, they will reciprocate that energy.
What do you love about working for Hey Saturday?
I love the people I get to work with! I love getting to know new people and learning more about them. It's the most rewarding part of being a photographer!
Who would be your dream client and why?
Someone who is totally down to experiment and have fun! I find the best photos are ones that come from being spontaneous during a shoot, so if someone is open to trying new things, it makes for incredible photos and a TON of fun!
What's your top dating tip?
Be your true self!
Currently obsessed with:
Playing on repeat on my iPod:
Ooo that's a tough one. I try to mix up my music constantly so most often it's a Spotify playlist that features new music for the week.
At my happiest when:
I'm shooting or laying on the beach somewhere.
Fave style icon:
Jennifer Lawrence.
Most into wearing:
Black on black.
Guilty pleasure(s):
Ice cream and 80s music.
Saturday nights are for:
Seeing live music.